
Connecting the best minds to the most people

HighWire’s technology is in the service of knowledge. We provide the nexus where it is collected, certified, stored and shared. By simplifying the publishing process, we widen the reach, deepen the impact and accelerate the exchange of ideas.

Solutions to support you throughout the publishing journey

Our end-to-end publishing services span the entire publishing lifecycle, from manuscript submission and peer review, content hosting and publication, to analytics and reporting. Whether it’s a journal, preprint repository, or books and multimedia you want to share, we help you connect the brightest minds with the most people.



  • A content platform that’s as revolutionary as you are

    Hosting is what HighWire is famous for! The multi-content hosting platform allows academic and scholarly community to display, disseminate, analyze, and monetize content online. The tool’s rich features include self-service content upload, advanced branding opportunities, and content discoverability.

  • Simple, flexible access control and identity management

    Sigma is a true authentication system, supporting complex hierarchical relationships amongst publishers and institutions to provide centralized access and identity management to licensed content.

  • Collaborative, streamlined, AI-driven publishing for the modern world

    With an aim to reduce inefficiencies and speed up delivery, we designed DigiCorePro as an automated, customizable single-source publishing system that streamlines the entire editorial process, from article concept, to submission, to peer review, to publication. Its rich microservice and API-driven modern architecture allows easy integration of new tools and processes, with zero interruptions to the existing workflow.

  • Innovation and efficiency with AI

    MPSLabs is our R&D center, leveraging AI, ML, NLP, and cloud technologies for scalable solutions. With a team of 200+ experts, MPSLabs aims to streamline workflows, automate systems, and reduce costs to enhance efficiency in the publishing industry.

  • Empowering libraries with powerful usage analytics

    ScholarlyStats is a cloud-based platform that empowers librarians, consortia, and institutions to streamline the title selection process by collecting, consolidating, and distributing usage analytics to help drive informed business decisions.

  • One-stop solution to handle all kinds of orders and payments

    THINK365 is a web-based order management and customer service platform, providing seamless renewals, payments, and billings processes, along with industry-class inventory management and flexible fulfillment services.

  • View usage analytics in one platform

    Insight Vizor is a platform-independent analytics tool that provides information about the usage of the scholarly content and generates COUNTER 5 and custom reports, enabling business decisions for editorial, sales and marketing executives so that they can identify prospective leads or uncover content with greater reach.

  • View usage analytics in one platform

    Insights provides information about the usage of the scholarly content of various publishers by fetching data from various platforms.It strives to be platform-independent so that publishers can leverage the benefits of content usage analytics without being deterred by the hosting platform.

  • From invoice to cash and collections, feel covered with our services

    End-to-end subscription management services that help in financial reporting, invoicing, lapser chasing, renewals, creating dashboards and much more. Our ERP-agnostic services have helped publishers save up costs, reduce undelivered returns and improve customer satisfaction.

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